Welcome to Judith Hill Astrology
Judith Hill is the Founder of The Academy for Astrological Medicine and an internationally recognized astrologer, researcher, herbalist, and award winning author of many books with a lifetime of experience in all fields of the art. Learn more
Free Offering
Access this free class, “Spiritual Lessons in the Planetary Birth Chart.” Learn about the themes of the types of lessons a planet may initiate as it transits natal planets in the birth chart in this fascinating talk by Judith Hill, one of the shining stars of astrological medicine.
Browse through this wonderful selection of books published by Stellium Press. Topics include medical astrology, astro-seismology, vocational astrology, and more. These books are suitable for astrologers of all levels (from beginner to advanced) as well as for alternative health enthusiasts.
Academy Courses
A unique place to study traditional and modern astrological medicine, astrological herbalism, gem-planet balancing, and other branches of this long venerated science. Excellent for astrologers, health practitioners, and historians. The Academy offers instruction in all six branches of Medical Astrology.

“The Medical Astrology Forecast Hour”
Learn how to assess the cosmic currents & their influence on the body. Includes access to the Monthly Mystery Chart!
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