Judith Hill
Judith Hill is the Owner and Founder of the Academy for Astrological Medicine and an award winning author of fourteen books including the classics:
Medical Astrology, A Guide to Planetary Pathology
Medical Astrology for Health Practitioners
Medical Astrology in Action: The Transits of Health
The Astrological Body Types
Vocational Astrology (winner of the 1999 American Federation of Astrologers, Inc. “Best Book Award”); and
The Lunar Nodes: Your Key to Excellent Chart Interpretation
She produces The Renaissance Medicine Conference and created the course Medical Astrology 101© and Medical Astrology in Action: Let’s Read Charts!© and Astrological Herbalism Decoded©.
Hill was possibly the first to introduce Western Medical Astrology to Szechuan, China. She is a Chartered Herbalist with Dominion Herbal College. Hill documented the natal and transit health influences of the Lunar Nodes and the medical impact of eclipses by sign and conjunct natal planets and created the first polarity based nodal eclipse calendar. In February 2024, she published her latest book, The Twelve Zodiac Sign Syndromes of Medical Astrology: Expanding Our View of the Seasonal Wheel.
An internationally recognized researcher, Hill internationally published significant statistical research on astro-genetics and astro-seismology and has served as the Educational Director for the San Francisco NCGR; and as the private assistant to the great physicist Arthur Young at The Institute of the Study of Consciousness and advisor/designer for Joan Margalith for her pioneering Infinity radio show.
She co-taught two courses with renowned herbalist Matthew Wood at The Academy for Astrological Medicine and has partnered in further workshops with Wood. Hill matched five biographies to five natal charts in an NCGR sponsored skeptic’s challenge in 1989. She is one of the longest practicing, full time astrological consultants in the world.
Professional accomplishments
She successfully matched five charts to five biographies in an NCGR sponsored skeptics’ challenge in 1986. (Download press release)
Judith was awarded the Paul R. Grell “Best Book Award” from American Federation of Astrologers, Inc. for AFA publications, 1999.
She is the author of fourteen books including the now classic The Astrological Body Types. Her additional titles include the award winning Vocational Astrology; The Mars-Redhead Files; The Part of Fortune in Astrology; Astroseismology; and Medical Astrology, A Guide to Planetary Pathology.
Hill was writer for four years for the IAS. Her articles were historic as a probable first in depth scholastic quarterly on Astrology outside of the
astrological press.Selected “Best Astrologer in Portland” for one year by the Willamette Week in the late 1990s.
Judith served as The Educational Director for the San Francisco National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR)
Selected books and articles have been translated into Italian, Russian and Lettish.
Radio appearances have included KCBS, KPFA, KBOO, and The Laura Lee Show.
Judith was assistant to KCBS Editorial Director Joan Margalith with her pioneering Infinity radio show.
Served as the Educational Director for The National Council of Geocosmic Research.
Served on the Faculty of The Institute for Stellar Influence Studies.
Founded Redheads Research - an international ten year research project of astrology and genetics; resulting in the international publication.
Her breakthrough astro-genetics research was featured on TV’s Strange Universe.
Judith received a research grant from the renowned physicist Arthur Young and his Institute for the Study of Consciousness in Berkeley, California.
Judith worked briefly as research project assistant to the renowned physicist Arthur Young in Berkley, CA.
Judith spent ten years working in the scientific and statistical research of astrology. She internationally published breakthrough research papers in both astro-genetics and astro-seismology. (See the bookshop)
Over thirty articles published in numerous journals including: Borderlands; NCGR Journal; Correlations; The Mountain Astrologer; Dell Horoscope; Above and Below; Sufism Journal; Linguace Astrale.
Launched and Founded The Academy for Astrological Medicine in 2021
Judith received a Chartered Herbalist degree from the Dominion College of Herbal Sciences.
Founded Stellium Press, a publishing house dedicated to fine astrological, whimsical and spiritual books.
Speaking engagements have included: The International Association of Sufism; The Theosophical Society; Sacred Places Conference; Oregon and Washington Astrological Associations; The National Council for Geocosmic Research; The Institute for the Study of Consciousness; and The American Federation of Astrologers, Inc.; The Laura Lee Show; The Mitch Rabin Show; The NYC based “Job 1” Show; NORWAC; NCGR Florida; The Astrology Hub; Stormie Grace; Mychal Bryan; Deborah Kelly’s Intrepid Wisdom; Santos Bonacci; Venessa Rodriguez; Matt Wood Institute of Herbalism
Her first paid astrological reading was at the age of fourteen, following a four year intensive training with a skilled relative. She has been reading
charts for every possible type of person ever since!Worked briefly as the sole personal assistant to the great physicist Arthur Young on his astrological project.
Predicted and pre-published the size, fault and general time-window of the infamous Bay Area “Loma Linda” quake.
Conceived the "Lost Secrets Renaissance Medicine Conference", (co-producing #1 with J. Paulsen) and acting sole producer for seasons 2, 3 and 4.
Conceived and co-produced with the board the first “NCGR Research Day” presentations in San Francisco, approx. 1982.
Conceived and co-produced the first "Medical Astrology Day" conference in Portland, Oregon approx. 1992 and 2002.
Perhaps the first to publish an eclipse calendar inclusive of nodal polarity (South or North Node).
Documented physical and medical effects of Lunar Nodes conjunct natal planets and vice versa.
Documented the physical and medical effects of Eclipses by sign and also conjunction to natal planets
Through the ideation and invitation of translator-moderator-producer Jet Hermes, Judith pioneered the teaching of modern Western and Renaissance-style Medical Astrology to China’s Szechuan province in 2017, inclusive of some Jyotish remedial technologies.
Kepler College faculty, 2021