Mrs. Winkler’s Cosmic Apothecary:
Aquarius Syndrome Oatmeal: "Breakfast for Aquarians"
Judith Hill
This year, the Sun is in the Saturn-ruled signs (Capricorn & Aquarius) simultaneously with Saturn’s sojourn through Aquarius. Astrologically, this is hyper ASTRINGENT and COLD.
“Aquarius Syndrome” includes (all, or in part): low oxygenation, fatigue, poor blood quality, anemia, poor nutrient assimilation, cold extremities, poor circulation - “low blood”, bodily stiffness, spasm, low blood pressure or weak heart muscle, water near ankle, depression, social isolation. Although classic to Aquarian types, the syndrome can be experienced in other sign natives, especially those born with a strong accent in this sign (Saturn, or, perhaps Moon in Aquarius, and so forth). You can find more on “Aquarius Syndrome” in Medical Astrology by Sun Signs course.
This delicious herby recipe makes a wonderful “Breakfast for Aquarians”!