Astrological Readings
“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day and the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.”
Genesis 1:14
Format of readings:
Judith offers astrological readings provided to you by phone (tape cassette optional) or by tape cassette.
Judith’s style:
Each reading is preceded by two hours of calculation and research time. This means you obtain the highest quality astrological reading available anywhere.
As a gratuity, you will receive a beautiful hand drawn copy of your chart. This is important. Reading from “cold” computer print-outs is psychically like trying to pet a cat with gloves on! *International clients will receive a scanned copy via email.
Judith reads in plain English, never in “psychobabble”. Her tendency is to be forthright, practical and sensitive to your current emotional state and individual needs.
Your reading will largely be in the “Classical Western” style, with a minor incorporation of Vedic methods. Most questions and concerns can be addressed. You will need an accurate birth time.
Judith is currently booked several months out at this time. Please contact her for her availability or referrals.
Available Readings
Fees listed reflect payment by check, money order, or cashier’s check.
PayPal users are required to add an additional 4.25% to the listed fee. International clients must pay through PayPal.
Vocational Readings
Fee: $262
(includes PayPal transfer fees)
What is the advantage of astrological career guidance over standard vocational selection methods?
Standard vocational testing shares with astrology the ability to define your natural aptitudes. However, standard testing cannot foretell if you will be lucky, happy or even financially successful within the chosen field! Neither can it indicate exactly where you are within your career time cycle and therefore is powerless to answer questions of time such as: how far are you from your peak?; when is the best time to start school?, when will my business blossom? etc. Vocational Astrology is unique in it’s ability to see the whole picture of talent, happiness, success and timing.
Judith is the author of Vocational Astrology - the winner of the American Federation of Astrologers Paul R. Grell award for “Best Book 1999, for A.F.A. Inc. Publications.”
Job Offer Charts
Fee: $150 to 250
(includes PayPal transfer fees)
Charts can be calculated for the moment of receiving a job offer. This will allow you to know the true nature of the job; provide you with pertinent information about the people and company involved; what awaits you there; and answer the questions of: “Will I prosper in the new position?”
Note: If you are simultaneously receiving several job offers, contact us and we will give you a special rate. Your answer will be received by email.
Natal Readings
Fee: $362 new clients
($262 repeat client)
(includes PayPal transfer fees)
The study of your birth map can reveal your strengths, weaknesses, character, karmic indicators and general life patterns. This is the basic analysis of the birth chart from both practical and spiritual viewpoints. Ideal for newborns and youth, this reading is also extremely useful for persons interested in gaining a deeper understanding of themselves and their life lessons.
Yearly Update Readings
Fee: $362 new clients
($225 repeat client)
(includes PayPal transfer fees)
The “Transit-Progressed” Reading
This is your basic “now and near future” reading. We look at where you are in your life cycle for most of your current concerns. This reading extends for twelve months from the reading date, except for special concerns that may require a longer look into time.
Judith’s approach: The planetary energies are viewed as “weather”. A good astrologer can predict the planetary weather, where it will be in your life, and for how long. You are viewed as “the farmer”. You work with the weather and are responsible for your choices of activity and attitude. Knowing when to plant what tree, or to refrain, can be a marvelous assistance in life!
Medical Astrology
Fee: $362
(includes PayPal transfer fees)
This reading includes medical astrology questions and surgery dates.
The Planetary Health Chart can assist a physician detect the exact location, nature, onset and duration of a mysterious problem.
Medical astrology is very ancient. We know it was practiced in the Greek era, and was a requisite to obtaining a physician's license in the Medieval and Renaissance periods. This inestimably useful branch of astrology has continued underground amongst “renegade” physicians in the west up to our present era, and has always been a mainstay in India and Tibet.
Fertility Timing
Fee: $362
(includes PayPal transfer fees)
Judith Hill uses the conception enhancing lunar phase method designed by Dr. Eugene Jonas in combination with her own cosmobiological techniques. Dr. Jonas directed the Astra-Nitra fertility and birth control clinic in Nitra, Czechoslovakia where his methods were practiced with 83% success rate for thousands of women for many years. Gender preference of child can also be enhanced by these methods, as much as 80% according to the Czech clinic (again, seconded by Judith's experience). Dr. Kurt Rechnitz, head of the Women’s Clinic in Budapest, replicated Jonas' results with 87% success rate for sex predetermination.
Compatibility, Selection, And Special Timing Readings
Fee: $150-350
(varies per request)
(includes PayPal transfer fees)
Select employees, mates, tenants, jobs, adopted children, horses, dogs, cats, sperm donors, surgeons, real estate agents with the help of the stars. The planetary patterns reveal harmonies and disharmonies between you and your potential mate or “selectee”.
Note: Fees for this reading vary per commission related to the number of selections (and thus charts) required. Please contact us to discuss your unique project.
Relationship And Marriage Compatibility
$262 (one person on phone)
$362 (two people on phone)
(includes PayPal transfer fees)
This reading enables you to better understand the interactions between yourself and your significant others. Each planet reflects a part of your being (we are complex creatures!)
Find out how you work with your mate or child on many levels of being. We will study the following compatibilities: Spiritual, Emotional, Communicative, Intellectual, Chemical, Vocational, Social, Energy, Family and much more.
Date Selection For Important Life Events
Marriage: $362
Business Openings: $300
Surgery: $362
(includes PayPal transfer fees)
Additional projects that traditionally benefit from excellent timing:
Lawsuits; parties; mailings; interviews; submissions; court dates; induced births; travel; plane flights; visiting the parents; large purchases; turning on important equipment; publishing dates; haircuts; farming; pest control; house starts (the foundation stone).
Surgery date selections are Judith’s specialty (see the Medical Astrology readings section on this page).
Location Astrology
Fee: $150-450
(includes PayPal transfer fees)
Relocating or desire information about where you currently live? Compare two cities or scan the globe!
Note: Fees for this reading vary according to the complexity of your special request). Judith uses both “astrocartography” and “local space” charting methods.
Real Estate Astrology
Fee: $100- 350
(includes PayPal transfer fees)
Need to know if that house you are thinking of purchasing is a good idea? Judith can calculate a “Threshold Chart” for the exact time you first walk through the door. This chart will provide you with pertinent information on the soundness of the property; the seller; the deal; hidden problems; equity appreciation.
Gem Stone Prescriptions
Fee: $250 new clients
($150 repeat client)
(includes PayPal transfer fees)
Traditional gemstone prescriptions are used to improve a wide array of personal concerns represented as planetary deficiencies in your birth chart. Judith is a long time practitioner of "Upaye" - the ancient system of gem remedies applied in the Indian Jyotish system of astrology. Gem prescription is very personal, depending on the unique placement and alignment of the planets at your birth. Success, health and fortune often improve with the wearing of the appropriate gem. No guarantees are given, as results vary. Judith works with the best Vedic jewelers who will create your special commission according to her specifications.
Payment Options
We do not offer payment buttons for readings here because prices vary based on your request.
Local and Out of State Clients: Fees listed on this website reflect check payment, available to USA residents only. Checks are accepted, and preferred. And you save money!
E-payment through PayPal is offered with a 4.25% surcharge. Contact us with your reading request and we will send you a PayPal e-bill with the correct amount.
International clients: Contact us with your reading request we will send you a PayPal e-bill with the correct amount.
Biblical Concerns
Isn’t astrology forbidden by the Bible?
There are no statements in the Bible expressly forbidding the correct practice of astrology. However, there are statements decrying the worship of the Sun and Moon as Gods and idols. These are two separate concepts. Most astrologers do not worship the Sun or Moon as Gods (but you may first wish to inquire, if this concerns you).
The first page of the Bible, King James version, states: “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day and the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.” —Genesis 1:14
Jesus never spoke against astrologers. In fact, he came in under a special star. The first three persons to visit him and give him gifts were the “Magi” - astrologers guided by this star! Jesus is claimed in the Gospels to have departed this plane exactly at the time of an eclipse and that he predicted his own return under heavenly signs. His followers used the sign of the fish, the symbol of the new Age of Pisces, thought to be marked by his coming.
Through the Renaissance, the Church accepted “Natural” uses of astrology. Fifteen Popes either were astrologers or studied the sacred art. Many of our current astrological house systems were developed by Catholic monks.
Today’s Christian railings against astrologers occurred because astrology is ignorantly tarred with the same brush as professions that are denounced in the Bible. This may have occurred because of the word “occult”, meaning “hidden” being attached to astrology as well as to the Biblically denounced professions.
To denounce astrology as “occult” is as silly as denouncing x-ray machines or seismic sensors as “occult”. We all seek to see more deeply into hidden energies to gain wider information.