The Astrologer’s Eye: Five Basic Approaches to Chart Reading
December 2023
copyright © 2023 by Judith Hill
Astrological readings can wield a powerful, if not life altering influence on a client. An astute astrologer never loses touch with the reason for their client’s visit, (if there is a reason). To this end, we must determine our ideological “approach” to the craft - “the astrologer’s eye”.
It would be an understatement to say that there exists a multitude of interpretive approaches to choose from. Some say that there are as many approaches to astrology as there are astrologers! For convenience, I’ve consolidated a short list below of what appears to be the five most popular reading paradigms in use today. I call the chart reader’s personal approach and viewpoint as “the astrologer’s eye” – because our insights will be shaped by this paradigm, or “mindset”. Most essentially, an astrological paradigm functions within an overarching intent…as one might say it leads the mind and soul somewhere.
It would be pertinent and useful for the astrologer to define the mindset (paradigm) informing their practice, and their own inherent interpretive goals. What type of information or inspiration do you aspire to provide? What is your ideological stance? How does your outlook imbue each reading’s overarching influence and outcome? Where do your insights lead the client, and to what purpose? Will the client think one style of reading is what astrology actually is, en total?
At the bottom of this article, I’ve outlined five popular interpretive approaches – often two or three being interwoven. The same chart interpreted within each of these five interpretive paradigms would render us five readings as distinct from one another as are meat and potatoes. To each, its own purpose.
There would be more approaches, of course. In this article, the client’s concerns are addressed from their standpoint, and at bottom, the astrologer.
However, the client typically leaves the astrologer’s office thinking that they now have experienced what astrology readings are. They wander away, with no idea whatever of the wide panoply of reading styles, nor the breadth and depth of the science. “He just pointed to planets and told me what sign they are in”, complained one hapless client who received nothing of personal value to his life problems from one reader’s approach. Or another: “I needed help choosing between two job offers and all she did was discuss my family issues”.
In this vein, it is important to educate the public, and your client too, about what astrology can/cannot do, and what exactly you will attempt to provide within a consultation. Is your client requiring psychological help beyond the scope and legality of your skills? Is your client seeking vocational advice and you are an astrological marriage expert? Clearly defining your interpretive approach at to prospective clients greatly enhances your practice, because clients are less confused.
Let’s start with a few basic guidance questions for the layperson or prospective client in search of an astrological reading:
Questions to ask a prospective astrologer:
Precisely, what kind of informational assistance are you seeking from an astrological consultation?
What is their astrologer’s forte or specialty? Obviously, if you are seeking financial advice, you will be underserved by a practitioner intent on defining your childhood psychological trauma, and vice versa.
What is the astrologer’s training and background?
Ask your astrologer what they will provide to you in your “reading”? (Also, what time is allotted for the consultation, cost, and in what manner provided.)
What style astrology school do they represent, and what zodiac and house system are used: (Hellenistic, Renaissance, Jyotish, Chinese, Hebrew, Tibetan, Classical Western, Modern Western, Evolutionary, Humanistic, (et al) Tropical zodiac, Sidereal zodiac? If Jyotish, ask what “ayamamsha” subtraction they prefer?
Which of the five basic chart interpretive approaches, below, best fits the viewpoint and mind-set of your prospective astrologer?
Astrologers and clients might find the following list valuable in determining “the eye of the astrologer” – that lens through which the cosmic information will flow from the mind of the reader to their client. Many astrologers are “all purpose,” while most specialize in one of the five viewpoints below.
This list is provided to:
a) assist the client in determining what kind of astrologer will serve their current need;
b) assist the aspiring astrologer in determining what type of practice they desire to provide. Enjoy!
1) Self-Knowledge/ Spiritual: The natal chart, transits and progressions are utilized as a tool for ongoing deep self-knowledge and self-inquiry (may include spiritual, psychological, religious, occult, or karmic or reincarnation-type commentary). Information provided is somewhat dependent on the spiritual tradition and beliefs of the individual reader. Assists the client in existential questions. Note: It is a good idea to clear issues of spiritual tradition compatibility with the client before engaging to consult.
2) Astro-psychological: This reading style is akin to the foregoing, but more distinctly linked to the work of Jung or Freud, (or later modern psychological paradigms). Similar terms and ideas may be incorporated in the reading. (Note: it is important to remember here that Jung borrowed many of his “new’ concepts from astrology - which came first.) Some practitioners of astro-psychology will interpretively conflate themes of Greek, (or other) mythologies into the themes of the natal chart, influences of planets, and their transits.
In this popular approach, the reader interprets the natal chart and transits from modern psychological perspectives (circa and following 1910 CE), as originally encouraged and promulgated by Alan Leo. This style of reading is akin to, and often combined with the foregoing (1). Some astrologers in practice today also hold a degree in Psychology.
3) Self-Crafting: character development, life success
A guide to self-improvement, character development and consequent evolution. This approach is not necessarily psychological, per se, and blends well with approaches (1), and (4). Concerns served range from character development to practical (career, marriage choices, et al). The life is viewed as a garden, and the chart’s owner as the gardener. The goal is to encourage the roses and prune the weeds.
This ideology permits that “positive” and “negative” roads are written in the chart for practical guidance benefit to the chart’s owner; inclusive of the idea that one has options within a lifetime to evolve or devolve. Character crafting is encouraged, and planetary dignities and aspects are interpreted from this standpoint. The idea here, is that at our life’s end, we have become, (like a book) an improved edition by the author (ourselves)!
4) Entertainment: Astrology as entertainment: (brief, “cold” character reads, or “fortunes”). Often provided at parties, fairs.
Practical: These readings focus onpractical information, useful to life concerns. These readings can be sorted into many useful categories, including: vocational, medical, financial, marriage, fertility, compatibility, agriculture, travel, relocation, special timing concerns (surgery, marriage, business openings, stock investment, publishing, et al). Most of these specialist readings require special skills training in these astrological genres. A minority of astrologers offer these readings.
Judith’s new book should be out any day now. We will let you know when ready:
The Twelve Zodiac Sign Syndromes of Medical Astrology.
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