How does Astrology work, anyway?
May 2023
Text and illustrations by Judith Hill
copyright © 2023 by Judith Hill
This article and its accompanying diagrams was originally presented in a less developed version for our Academy subscribers as a special preview. This largely graphic detail will be explained further in an upcoming publication, due out when ready.
After having contemplated the problem of “how does astrology work, anyway?” for decades, this tubular model came to mind in a flash, complete with planetary receptor sites (that work in a similar manner as do the hormonal receptor sites positioned on our cell membranes). And, how it might be that these planetary receptor sites exist within 360 horizontal zones within the body (or more plausibly within the hypothetical ‘etheric’, or ‘astral’ bodies). These 360 horizontal zones correlate with the 360 zodiacal degrees of ecliptic longitude.
copyright © 2022 by Judith Hill
However unique, my thoughts have been influenced by C.C. Zain’s planetary “radio antennae” approach to medical astrology; physicist Arthur Young’s astrological-style explication of the Measure Formulae; plus, my own insight that fractals, although normally conceived as structurally visual realities, extend equally to cyclic processes and escalating replicative states (similar to musical octaves). My previous article “Octaves of Time” for Sufism Magazine, began this train of reasoning over thirty years ago.
Certainly, the idea of “as above, so below” is an ancient concept. The ancients conceived the body as a fractal of the solar system. The physical-cosmic correlation was known as “Melothesia”. A last puzzle piece to the long-pursued mystery of “how does astrology work, anyway?” was provided by the Jyotish idea that the planets influence us via their specific ‘Cosmic Color’ rays and vibrations.
Although hypothetical, my paradigm appears to provide some sound conceptual answers to this enduring mystery, at least in the realm of melothesian effects (planets and signs influencing specific body regions). Health practitioners who empirically work with natal and transit charts constantly experience the efficacy of their system. It works. But how?
copyright © 2022 by Judith Hill
Nature’s mechanisms are repetitively found throughout all natural realms. Why not between the planets and our bodies? Example: our estrogen receptors are found throughout the body, and the hormone estrogen is precisely keyed to its “own” receptor sites. Predictable effects occur once estrogen locks into its “personal” receptor site. Why wouldn’t Venus, governess of estrogen, influence us through a hitherto unknown Venus vibrational receptor site - situated within the body zone band linked (through cyclic fractals ) to the zodiacal degree of natal or current Venus? The accompanying diagrams will assist you in visualizing this concept.
copyright © 2022 by Judith Hill
My concept is both similar and yet quite different than C.C. Zain’s astral antenna model, because Zain’s astral antenna was only linked to one body area, rather than being latently available on all 360 zones, but “awakened” in but two (the natal, and current transit planet position). This concept appears unique.
If true, it would appear that a miniature solar system of all planet receptors are latently extant within each of the body’s 360 bands (see graphics). Much like a player piano, the planet positions at birth, and later, the current transits, awaken their own “note”, in their natal, or current transit zodiacal degree, (even though all musical notes are present in potentia - as are all astrological degrees) - within the “whole”.
copyright © 2022 by Judith Hill
Visualize a tubular, three-dimensional model of a horoscope, with all twelve zones stacked vertically down the tube, similar to a child’s “slinky” toy. Each stack is linked to one of the thirty-degree bands of the ecliptic plane - better known to astrologers as a zodiac sign. Now, collapse the tube down to a one-dimensional plane - this produces the “horoscope” we are all familiar with! The diagrams will guide you.
How does this planetary influence transfer to the dense physical body - a chemical-molecular entity of bone, flesh and fluid? Medical astrologers readily observe physical symptoms precisely correlating to certain natal positions. Likewise, we observe, often instantly, the bodily response to certain current transits playing upon the natal pattern of the birth chart. Through vibration! The finer layer of invisible matter vibrates the next level of denseness - the body. Visualize old style carbon copy paper! The pressure of the writing pen leaves an imprint through all the leaves of the copy paper. It is easier to conceive vibration auditorily. We all can relate to being able to hear the sound of music through a wall! Thusly, planetary vibrations vibrate between fine astral matter and the dense matter of the physical plane.
Join us for our live Astrological Nutrition class on Tuesday, May 16th at 5:30 PM Pacific Time!
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