Gemstone Solutions for Planetary Problems
“So, what can I do about it?”
Astrology is a supreme tool for assessing the causes behind life’s foibles. At birth, we all seem to be dealt a hand of cards, and our charts describe this all too well! Our charts reflect the reason behind that divorce; the puzzling reoccurrence of health symptoms, or “even, “why do cats love me?”
For the more negative scenarios, the client, and the astrologer too, both may well ask, “OK, so then, what can I do about it?” Astrologers who are adept at describing their client’s problems, but lack real solutions, may find themselves awkwardly impotent when confronted with this question! Help is to the rescue…
Astrologers East and West have, in fact, developed systems of gemstone, herbal and other remedials to obviate the more negative conditions of life, and conversely, attractants for the positive!
The esteemed Jyotish of India developed an orderly system of gemstone antidotes for planetary weaknesses in the natal chart, and the wide panoply of issues they may suggest. This system is called “Upaye”, or antidotes. My upcoming workshop opens with a thorough and elegant exposition of this system. This alone provides astute tropical and sidereal astrologers with “something to do” to improve the heretofore impossible.
Next, we will visit the nineteenth century and learn what modern Indian and Western physician-astrologers have made of this ancient system - in their science oriented attempts to obviate the contradictions and dangers inherent to traditional gemstone prescription, as well as to discover simpler, cheaper and more effective healing solutions. Now we practitioners really have some ammunition for dealing with life’s natally reflected problems! Although medically tilted, gemstone antidotes are good for all pesky conditions inherent to “their” planet. We will peruse the works of Bhattacharya, Ramchandra, Paynem Beckham, and other modern pioneers.
Gemstones have long been paired with herbs. We will discuss how this is done and why.
Astrologers, herbalists, healers and gem fanciers alike will gain a wealth of practical value from this extremely rare workshop. Please note that this five hour workshop can be purchased independently from the NORWAC conference itself (or with it, for a lower fee!)
Judith is one of the few teachers who has studied, taught, and compared these systems for decades, and also has written a comparative text on system variants. We hope you will take advantage of this rare opportunity.

Empty Zodiac Sign Dynamics in Medical Astrology
copyright 2021 by Judith Hill
“Zodiacal Man” is perhaps our most venerable and ancient basis of Astrological Medicine.
This healing device, also known as Homo Signorum, “the man of signs”, is the well known Renaissance figure divided into twelve zones, replicating the order of the twelve seasons, or “signs” upon the human frame. Aries starts off this cycle at the head, and Pisces ends it at the feet. These sign zones are further divided into 30˚ each, creating the full 360˚ sign circle over the body.
Typically, a body part in trouble will reflect a planet emphasis within the sign ascribed to this correlated zone. This can occur either at birth, natally, or by current transit stressors. But what if not? This sometimes occurs in practice! When it does, we look for planets in aspect to the sign itself (rather than to other planets). Yes, planets can aspect signs, and they certainly aspect empty signs. Here are some planetary conditions that can severely stress an empty sign, either natally, or by transit action.
Conditions that Produce Stress to an Empty Sign
Mars and Saturn both simultaneously in a hard aspect or quincunx relationship to the said sign. Even one of these two traditional malefics can do this. However, if both do, this spells stress. Should both the midpoint of Mars and Saturn “midpoint” in said sign, be alert for potential maladies related to this sign.
The empty sign is placed in a difficult angle to at least two of these three: Sun, Moon, Ascendant. If placed in hard aspect or quincunx to all three of these life giving “hylegical” points, this signals a weakness somewhere within that bodily portion. The hard aspects used in this case are. 90˚, 180. The quincunxes are 30˚, 150˚ and 210˚. This means that any planet placed four, six, seven, eight, ten or twelve signs distant from either the Ascendant, Sun, or Moon can be counted as stressful. How to count? Count from the empty sign as “1”, anti clockwise, to the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant. Alternatively, you can also count clockwise from Sun, Moon, and Ascendant to the empty sign in question.
The empty sign in question is itself positioned in the 6th, 7th, 8th or 12th angles from the Ascendant sign (count Ascendant as “1”, and move anti-clockwise.
The South Node is in the empty sign (I only say this because so often this Node is not shown in horoscopes, although its opposite, the North Node almost always is! There seems no logical reason for this habit.
Although we are focusing on signs devoid of planets, let it be known that the Lunar South Node tenanting a sign makes the situation more extreme.
Example Case
An perfect example for a chronic neck injury floated across my desk, prompting this article. One might first observe the natal chart for planets in Taurus, Zone 2, the lower head, ears, throat and neck. However, in this specific natal chart, Taurus was empty! So now, we look deeper (do so anyway). Here is what was found:
Mars and Saturn both squared Taurus, meaning that their powerfully malefic midpoint was found within that body region (Taurus, Zone 2, neck).
Sun, Moon and Ascendant (all three), were, (all three) in hard angle or quincunx to Taurus.
Two planets opposed Taurus from the opposite sign.
Combined, the conditions of this above example relegate Taurus as perhaps the most vulnerable sign in this chart! If one did not consider these outstanding “invisible” stresses, they would be missed and unobserved, much to the loss of the healer.
This case demonstrates ‘negative zodiac sign dynamics’ at its best in Medical Astrology!

NEWS and classes!
Get ready! By late May, my team is rolling out some delectable treats at The Academy for Astrological Medicine!
Calling all Taurus natives and their friends!
Our live “Taurus” class, (detailed medical description and herbs) will be live, Friday, May 14th, between Noon-2PM Central at:
May 31st: Workshop (live, online)
“TRADITIONAL GEM & HERB ANTIDOTES TO PLANETARY PROBLEMS”, (see top of this newsletter for info and links). This extremely rare event can be purchased independently from the conference! I’m delighted to share my knowledge and experience with you.
I will also be giving two live, dynamic and useful lectures at NORWAC:
May 28th: “Your Health, Your Birth Date & the Master Sun Cycle”
May 29th: “The Medical Transits of the Lunar Nodes”
“The medical profession seems today to have totally ignored the admonition of its patron Saint - Hippocrates - who firmly believed and wrote that one could not hope to successfully practice the art of healing without and intimate knowledge of the science of astrology.”

Don’t miss out on this free offering!
Sign up for this free preview of the course, “Spiritual Lessons in the Planetary Birth Chart.” Learn about the themes of the types of lessons a planet may initiate as it transits natal planets in the birth chart in this fascinating talk by Judith Hill, one of the shining stars of astrological medicine.
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