Nutrition and the Sun-Saturn Partnership
September 2021
Copyright © by Judith, 2021
Traditional planetary rulerships conceal all manner of relevant symbolism. On comparing modern scientific discoveries with our ancient planetary associations, one so often thinks “how did they know that?” Let’s take a look at one such example.
The Sun “rules” Leo, the sign of mid-summer. Leo’s opposite sign, Aquarius, is governed by Saturn. Aquarius is the sign of mid-winter. Conversely, Sol is in “detriment” in Aquarius, whereas Saturn’s detriment is found in sunny Leo…
The Sun governs the light of life., and Saturn, death. The ancients assigned Sol to the metal gold, whereas Saturn ruled lead, a metal that blocks light and radiation. The Sun is hot, Saturn is cold, etc. However, it is with modern nutrition that this partnered planetary pair sees their great moment.
I’ve had difficulty determining exactly when the vitamins and minerals were assigned to “their” planets. The revered C.C. Zain (Elbert Benjamin) provides a list in 1934. Astrologers Robert Carl Jansky (1973), and Eileen Nauman (1982) seconded many of Zain’s associations, and depart only slightly from each other. Nauman gives the most comprehensive descriptions and usages.
All three state that the Sun governs vitamins A, D, Paba, and minerals magnesium, manganese and iodine. Saturn is given vitamin C, folic acid, and most obviously, calcium (‘he’ rules the bones)… How is all this relevant to Leo’s ruler - the Sun - existing in partnership with Aquarius’ ruler Saturn? After all, opposite signs are partners, (and antagonists too, much like many married couples). Sol and Saturn’s home signs, Leo and Aquarius, govern two ends of one pole! Although each sign independently governs several functions, one might best describe the Leo-Aquarius polarity as the cardiac-circulatory system.
Nutritionists realize that calcium and magnesium work in tandem to regulate the heartbeat. The heart is firmly under the Sun and Leo’s auspices! As actin, one of the proteins in the muscle fiber, absorbs calcium around the heart, the heart muscle contracts. Magnesium then gives a positive charge, pulling calcium back out of the actin. This creates a second contraction in a cycle that continues until our last breath.
Astrologically speaking, this is not the only pumping action of “paired” minerals that have assignments to planets that rule opposite signs. Because opposite signs work in balancing and antagonistic pairs, controlling one or more bodily systems, this is quite apt. Visualize a see saw.
There is more, and merrier. Calcium (Saturn) is best absorbed when combined with Vitamin D (Sun). Conversely, for the Sun-ruled magnesium to successfully absorb, we require an adequate availability of calcium (Saturn), and phosphorous (Mars). Mars? Sol is exalted, in Aries, a Mars-governed sign! Mars and the Sun are also traditional “friends”, governing signs in natural trine to each other (Leo and Aries). The astrological symbolism perfectly depicts these associations.
Now, let’s check out nutritive deficiencies correlated to this Sun-Saturn partnership. Excessive calcium carbonate (an antacid), can stimulate magnesium dumping, resulting in magnesium deficiency, (negative Sol).
In astro-nutrition theory, any hard aspect or ‘quincunx’ between natal Sun and natal Saturn could produce deficiencies of calcium or magnesium (or any other nutrients governed by these planets). Similarly, one could suspect deficiencies of any solar ruled nutrient (A, D, Paba, Iodine, Manganese or Magnesium), should transiting Saturn be afflicting the natal Sun by hard aspect or quincunx.
The zodiac signs Leo and Aquarius would both be uniquely predisposed to nutritional deficiencies produced by Saturn’s natal and transit afflictions of the natal Sun. Should symptoms present, study the birth chart of a Leo or Leo rising person for possible afflictions of the natal Sun by either natal Saturn or transit Saturn.
Note: For more information on Sun Signs, see “Medical Astrology Sun Signs” course. (This class is offered through the Matthew Wood Institute of Herbalism.)
Gold, Leo and the Sun
What did the ancients know about the minerals, metals and the planets. Quite a bit, but we have time here for a brief discussion of Leo, the Sun, and gold. See bibliography at bottom for more detail. Since antiquity, gold belongs to Sol. And, Sol, and his sign Leo, govern the heart. Thus, the Sun rules both gold and the heart.
Medical science accepts a strong medical link between gold and the heart. Gold is found in trace amounts in the body most specifically in the heart. There exists a plethora of sites on the web describing the utility of gold in heart treatments. Curiously, my grandmother was completely and permanently cured when near death of hyperthyroid, (you could hear her rapid heartbeat from across the room), by the sipping of a gold solution. They did not remove her thyroid. Below, for those inclined, are three books that provide significant detail on the relationship of the planets to the metals (in this case, the Sun-gold connection).
M. Uyldert, Metal Magic: The Esoteric Properties and Uses of Metals, Turnstone Press Limited, UK, 1980
Alison Davison, Metal Power, The Soul Life of the Planets, Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, Garberville, California,1991
Nick Kollerstrom, The Metal Planet Relationship, Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, Garberville, California, 1993
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