The Scorpion & the Horse: “The adder that biteth the horse’s heels”
December 2022
Copyright © by Judith, 2022
A closer examination of the classical “Zodiacal Man” reveals that within “his” bodily trunk, some signs co-mingle their zones in interesting ways. This zone variation diverts somewhat from the usual straightforward horizontal stacking of the classical melothesian body zones 1-12, descending horizontally head-to-toe, down the body line. Last month, we discussed the unique Cancer-Leo “situation”. This month, we introduce the intertwining Scorpio-Sagittarius pairing.
This is a cursory view of how Sagittarius’ upper zone both encircles and is “bitten” by its preceding zone, Scorpio. Medical astrologers and chiropractors may find this ancient discovery of considerable interest.
A curious Biblical statement is hypothesized to cryptically describe a relationship between the signs Scorpio and Sagittarius. David A. Womack’s book 12 Signs, 12 Sons, attests that each of the twelve Hebrew tribes was Biblically correlated with one specific zodiac sign! His compelling arguments sold me. If true, this compelling statement by the Hebrew patriarch Jacob, (said in the act of describing the character of his twelve sons), appears relevant to today’s medically oriented quest. Here is the partial quote:
“Dan shall provide justice for his people…Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse’s heels so that his rider shall fall backward”. Genesis 49:17
Womack correlates Dan, the venomous “adder” with the zodiac sign Scorpio, the scorpion. Jacob’s depicted horse and rider, is likewise equated with Sagittarius, the celestial centaur. This seems apt because serpents are attributed to Scorpio; whereas the horse-rider team closely resembles a centaur (providing that Womack’s hypothesis is correct in the first place). The symbol for Sagittarius is the centaur, being a horse and man joined as one being.
Within the great patriarch’s description of his twelve sons, this is the only co-mention of two sons, acting one upon the other. Does ‘Zodiacal Man’ mirror this co-action within his body? Can the adder bite really at the horse’s heel, causing the rider to fall backward? Let’s put the body zones of Scorpio and Sagittarius under our magnifying glass.
Scorpio, The 8th Body Zone, includes the organs in the lesser pelvis: lower colon, rectum, genitals, uterus, and bladder. It also governs the sacral plexus. Sagittarius, The 9th Zone, includes some of the bones that encircle the pelvic cavity: the crest of the hip bone, or ilium, and the ischium. However, the coccyx and sacrum are allotted to both Scorpio and Sagittarius.
Dr. H. L. Cornell states:
“The Os Coccyx is under the structural rulership of the Scorpio sign. The Coccygeal Region of the Spine, the Coccygeal Vertebrae, are ruled by the Sagittarius sign.”
In my handful of case studies, coccygeal pain and injuries appear to involve both Scorpio and Sagittarius - equally relevant to both signs!
The trochanter, femur, thighs, femoral artery, and sciatic nerve are also assigned to Sagittarius, firmly. Thus we see that although the great bulk of Zone 9 is indeed below Zone 8, (as it should be). However, these two zones appear to share space in the upper portion of Zone 9.
Here we see the Sagittarius-ruled hip bones in Zone 9, are partially sharing a horizontal body zone with the internal pelvic organs, governed by previous Zone 8. It is here, the pelvis where we find these two zones confined together. All medical astrologers should contemplate this fact.
We see how the cleanly Sagittarian-ruled sciatic nerve originates in the largest and terminal branch of the Scorpio-ruled sacral plexus. However, there are many other nerves that originate under Scorpio’s province that directly impact the function of Sagittarius’ hip and thigh locomotion (and comfort!)
Sagittarius is our prime sign governor of the motor function of voluntary nerves: especially for the large, striated muscle groups specific to the hips and legs. I found this useful list on the web:
The Scorpio-governed sacral plexus provides motor and sensory innervation through the following nerves:
Sciatic Nerve (L4 - S3)
Pudendal Nerve (ventral divisions of S2 - S4)
Superior Gluteal Nerve (dorsal divisions of L4 - S1)
Inferior Gluteal Nerve (dorsal divisions of L5 - S2)
Nerve to Obturator Internus (ventral divisions of L5 - S2)
Hence we see indeed how the adder (Scorpio) might indeed “biteth the horse’s heels”, sending the rider backward, or perhaps to the chiropractor in search of relief! Sagittarian ‘natives’ I’ve known, and also those with malefics in this same sign, and/or in Scorpio, all too frequently attest to this truth.
A happy balance between Scorpio (pelvis, sacrum, coccyx, sacral plexus), and Sagittarius (hip bones, coccyx, lower spinal nerves, sciatic nerve, femur, large hip and leg muscles), is essential to pain-free locomotion!
Those with persistent spinal, hip, and thigh pain, and/or lower locomotive issues, might well study their natal charts for evidence of malefic planets, eclipses, or other stressors occurring either natally, or by current transits, within the two signs Scorpio and Sagittarius.
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Medical Disclaimer: Use this celestially timed recipe exclusively with your physician’s consent and their specified contraindications. We cannot give medical advice, direction, or prescription. This recipe is for educational purposes only, and wonderment. We are not responsible for the misuse of this recipe.
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