Planetary Orbs in Natal and Transit Assessment
July 2022
Copyright © by Judith, 2022
“Unfortunately, there appears to be no agreement as to
what orbs may be applied to the various aspects.”
Fred Gettings, Dictionary of Astrology
The paired questions I most frequently receive from eager students are “what orbs should I use?” and, “what orbs do you use?” Historically, a wide array of conflicting orb assessment systems have been devised. Their methods widely range from the easy “orbs be damned” system of assigning aspects to signs (rather than specific orbs); to the tedious technique of assigning exactly specified orbs per each planet. Taken a step further, we have complex methods for the calculation of precise orbs between any two specific planets. This later is known as “The Orb of Influence”.
Orb culture is a large buffet table of opinions. Practitioners are free to select any technique that appeals most, combine, or switch to another style. Western astrologers invested in complex orb theoretics. The ancient Greeks and Jyotish favored, but not exclusively, the Jaiminic technique for basing aspect relations on sign elements, gender, and mode, rather than numbered orbs. As a pragmatist, I’m personally concerned less with orb theoretics, but rather, with what empirically works, in practice. Maybe I can offer some help to the confused.
First, What actually is an “orb”? An “orb” is the number of zodiacal degrees required for two or more planets to connect and co-mingle beams, thus influencing one another. In natal charts, an orb determines exclusively if, you have a working aspect. In transit work, orbs signal when either two or more transiting planets connect their beams; or when a transit planet’s ray stimulates a natal planet. The character of that linkage is not parcel to this concept but is later assessed through several other considerations, no less the color ray, temperature, speed, reputation, and level of moisture of the two (or more) planetary participants.
It is presumed by most modern Western astrologers that any orb’s arc extends equally forward and backward through zodiacal longitude. Not all astrologers agree. The work of Wangemann supports ‘Asymmetrical Orbs’. This is the notion that separating (departing) aspects produce somewhat weaker orbs than applying (upcoming) aspects. Note: The applying or separating planet is necessarily the fastest planet of the two, except in the case of nearly stationing, but normally faster planets. In these cases, it is possible for say, slower-moving Mars to apply to a stationing Mercury (Mercury is normally speedier than Mars).
Even this simple idea has variants! For example, the Jyotish allow the forward trine aspect of Jupiter (in order of the signs) greater powers than Jupiter’s backward trine; whereas the backward hurled rays of a Saturn square are thought stronger than the forward square. Conversely, Mars’ forward square (in the order of signs) is considered of greater impact than ‘his’ backhanded square (against the order of signs). And so forth.
In determining the orb, we must also consider planetary stations. This occurs when from the Earth’s point of view, a planet appears to stand still in the sky, just prior to reversing direction. A planet within a few days of station, or exactly stationing, exerts a far stronger ray than when swiftly moving. For instance, Neptune reliably delivers oil spills, and/or world plastics, gas, and chemical issues within a week or two of station! It’s wise practice to extend the orb of any planet near station.
What is the “Orb of Influence”? This is the actual orb of influence created by the confluence of two planetary orbs, i.e. as in an aspect! When two planets are situated in a specified geometric relationship with each other, we have an “aspect”. Aspects have long been observed to produce observable and palpable effects. Let’s imagine two planets as two electrical wires. These may circle or approach one another, without touching. Electricity happens (or conversely, sparks fly) when they factually connect (exact orb). Zip, Zing.
Some astrologers arrive at the orb of influence by adding together the differing orbs of the two aspecting planets and dividing this in two. For example, let’s select a 12-degree orb for Jupiter and an 8-degree orb for Mars. What then is the orb of influence for a Mars-Jupiter aspect? 12 + 8 = 20. 20 divided by 2 = 10. In this way of thinking, the orb necessary to establish the Mars-Jupiter linkage is 10 (lower for Jupiter, but extended for Mars!)
This paper is not about comparing each known system for orb determination. Rather, let’s cut the proverbial “Gorgon’s Knot” by suggesting two rather opposite methods that empirically work well in tandem, regardless of precise orbs. Following that, I’ll provide my preferred method (every astrologer has one). Three worthwhile links are provided at the base for the historically inclined.
A: Sign-based Aspects.
The non-orb system. Aspects are based not upon orbs at all (!), but upon sign classification (by sign gender, mode, and element). This works great for major aspects: conjunction, square, opposition, trine, sextile, and quincunx ( note: some do not consider the latter a major aspect.) However, it becomes unwieldy for minor aspects (e.g. the 72˚ Quintile) whose very existence depends on tight orbs, and neither invariably obey sign-based rules. This method is popular in some Greek and Jyotish paradigms.
Another problem that occurs with this system is when close aspects occur across sign borders and are thus banned from assessment because they don’t fit this sign-based system paradigm. E.g., Mars at 28˚ Pisces and South Node at 0˚ Aries wouldn’t be considered a valid conjunction, even though it might prove an obvious of problems for the native!
This conundrum is easily remedied by adjusting your mind to allow for aspects occurring on sign borders to be treated as in orb. If the effect is genuine, why not be flexible? To use the easy sign-based aspect system, (and forget about orbs!) the practitioner habituates to noting the sign relationships as given below:
Any two planets in the same sign are “conjunct” and will influence one another. This influence may be strong or weak, but they will influence each other!
Any two planets sharing the same mode, but different elements and sign gender, are “square”, and will behave as such.
Any two planets in opposite signs are “opposed”.
Any two planets sharing an element (while not conjunct) are in “trine”.
Any two planets sharing same gender, but not the same element, nor opposed, are “sextile”, i.e. in signs spaced approximately 60 degrees apart. (Traditionally, Fire and Air signs are “masculine”, whereas Earth and Water signs are “feminine”.
Any two planets in aversion are “quincunx” or “inconjunct”. (This last aspect category, in particular, has its naysayers who insist that a quincunx should necessarily be within a 0-3˚ orb.)
B: “The Closer the Stronger”
We return to orbs. An aspect between any two planets is strongest within an orb 0-1˚. Recall our simile of two electrical wires approaching that moment of connection - zing! You feel it! Aspects gradually weaken as we increase on either side of their partile (exact) orb, just as does their cosmic electrical connection. To cut through our proverbial Gorgon’s Knot of complex “Orbology”, use this supremely easy method, (B), combined with the first rather lazy method provided above, (A). Adjust your mind’s lens between the two systems as necessary, much as you would a microscope!
My Preferred Method
Utilizing both the handy approaches above, I simultaneously observe the category of the celestial body that I am observing, noting that special conditions can typically extend, (or reduce) a functional orb.
Although I do recognize sign-based (non-orb) aspects as useful and valid (because they work!), I remain concerned with aspect strength. Why? Because some aspects dominate the life, and I want to know if this is happening. Obviously, two planets at 0˚ and 3˚ Taurus form a stronger conjunction than if positioned at 0˚ and 25˚.
Next, I observe mitigating factors that might amplify an aspect. Is this aspect “applying, or “separating”? Tip: Never assume an aspect is weaker when just separated by 0-2˚. In practice, this is the time it so often strikes, just when you relax your guard!
Now, is one of the planets involved stationing?
Are the two planets in mutual application? Although there is disagreement about what orbs each planet possesses, there is also consensus that planets vary in their orbs. (Only one system I know of allots all planets and lights a simplified 7˚ orb.) First, let’s examine major categories. Here are the categories, and my own suggestions (based on traditional systems, plus my own experience):
Lights: Sun and Moon: Assume larger orbs. 7-12˚ for Moon, for Sun (17˚ for conjunction). Obviously, though, a 0-3˚ major aspect is far more felt than a large orb! (Some sources say 7˚ for both Lights).
Lunar Node Conjunctions: North and South Lunar Node: Allow 15˚ conjunction (if both planet and Node tenant the same sign). If crossing a sign boundary, allow 10˚ for an approaching planet to the Node (keeping in mind rule ‘B”). For instance, if Mars is at 28˚ Taurus, and the North Node is at 1˚ Gemini, they are strongly conjunct, regardless of the fact that they straddle the Taurus-Gemini sign boundary.
Lunar Node squares: Keep tight. 3˚ is sufficient for a palpable effect. Possible extension.
“Inner Planets”. Mercury, Venus. In my practice, I’ve found that these are physically felt in very small orbs of 0-3˚ unless stationing (when their influence intensifies). William Lilly gives 8˚ to Venus, other systems 7˚ to both. However, I’ve rarely seen Venus or Mercury ‘deliver’ at 8˚. They are reliably potent, and physically-emotionally experienced at tiny orbs.
Mars: This planet possesses a potent effect in large orbs, and definitely through 7˚. Lilly gives Mars 8˚. Still, “the closer the stronger”! Any 0-1˚ hard aspect of Mars is virile. The close orb trine and sextile work too, and strongly!
The Jyotish system of India taught me that the quincunx of Mars is ‘his’ strongest aspect of all. Indeed, it has been my experience to repetitively observe the potent effects of a 0-3˚ orb transit-to-natal, or purely natal quincunx from Mars to almost any other planet! Another Jyotish discovery is that Mar’s forward square packs more punch than his backhanded square. The 0-1˚ Mars conjunctions and oppositions rarely pass without notice. In the West, the Martian conjunction reigns supreme.
Chronocrats: Jupiter and Saturn. These two lords of time possess huge orbs, felt throughout the sign they natally tenant, or temporarily transit, for as long as they so remain. Observation has taught me that orbs of 0-5˚, or even larger, so often produce major events and/or physical changes.
“Outer Planets”: Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. In my personal experience, the two gas giants Uranus and Neptune - plus far-flung Pluto, are supremely felt within a tiny orb of only 0-1˚. However, as they drift out of this tight orb, they can still produce events and symptoms, if assisted by the Moon, Mars, or another planet joining the aspect from any hard angle to the degree involved. Remember, “the closer the stronger”. Some opinions give 0-3˚, others 0-7˚. Physicist Arthur Young’s research revealed how Pluto’s 0-1˚ could dominate the life affairs…while fading from celebrity within only 2˚.
Those that wish to investigate the various extant orb assessment methods should google “ Aspects”, “Aspect Orbs” under “Greek”, “Persian”, Renaissance’, “William Lilly”, etc. A few of the wide panoply of productive links are provided below.
In selecting and applying orb systems, our main concern should be not so much with theory, but with what empirically works in practice. A useful orb rule is “the closer the stronger” while keeping in mind the converse rule that non-orb-reliant sign-based planetary aspects are yet powerful!
If you want to know more about orbs, you can learn more about them in real life each month. In the Monthly Medical Astrology Forecast Hour, Judith guides us through the cosmic currents each coming month, how they could hypothetically impact some people, and the natural remedies one might want to have available. Only $20 per month!
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